Fruit of the Spirit Series- Joy / 8x8 Oil on Panel
Fruit of the Spirit Series- Goodness / 8x8 Oil on Panel
Fruit of the Spirit Series- Temperance / 8x8 Oil on Panel
Fruit of the Spirit Series- Gentleness / 8x8 Oil on Panel
Blocks for Study 1/ 9x12 Oil on Panel
Christmas Angel / 10x8 Oil on Panel
Carnation Vase / 10x18 Pastel on Board
Carnation Vase / 10x18 Pastel on Board (detail - Vase)
Ventura Lemons / 10x10 Oil on Panel
Apples with Dad / 8x10 Oil on Linen
Holiday Jewels / 10x8 Oil on Panel
Color Study of Blue and White / 12x9 Oil on Panel
Brass & Orange / 9x12 Watercolor
Brown & Glass / 24x20 Oil on Linen
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